Respect, Accountability, Innovative, Committed

The KPCA is a not-for-profit organisation whose vision is to support and promote a resilient, profitable and sustainable beef industry, with its mission being to maximise the value of the northern beef industry through accessing innovation, building capacity and achieving industry influence.
Under the direction of the Executive Committee, KPCA members (and the broader pastoral industry) are benefiting from collaborative problem solving on a regional and industry specific basis.
KPCA are working hard to keep you connected to services and supports in the wake of extensive flooding in our region. From connecting pastoralists to feed and fuel resources to advocating for additional support to government agencies, and making frequent updates to our social media platforms to help you stay informed.
If you have any questions, concerns or requests, please contact Business Development Officer Lauren Bell via
Include your phone number and Lauren will call you asap.

Government and inter-agency funding and grant streams, and other supports are beginning to be announced. Navigating your options can be difficult, especially while clean-up and recovery is front of mind and a laborious, time consuming task. We have summarised a list of current grant, funding and support options as a guide to what is currently available and can hopefully help to make this process less stressful.
To access a comprehensive list of services and supports for rural and regional Western Australians, please visit the Department of Primary Industry and Regional Development’s Support Services page HERE.
The loss of property and stock is distressing. If you are feeling overwhelmed or upset then you can always contact;
Lifeline: 13 11 14
A 24/7 crisis support service.
Beyond Blue: 1300 22 4636
A 24/7 crisis support service.
Rurallink: 1800 552 002
An after-hours telephone service for people in rural and regional Western Australia experiencing a mental health crisis.