The KPCA is a not for profit industry development and advocacy body that represents a diverse range of producers with, on a cumulative basis, significant pastoral land holdings across the Kimberley, Pilbara and into the Gascoyne region of WA. The membership base is also inclusive of Aboriginal producers and a number of related businesses servicing the industry.
Under the strategic direction of the Executive Committee, KPCA members (and the broader northern WA pastoral industry) are benefiting from proactive and collaborative issue identification and problem solving.
To support and empower our members to continue to build a resilient, profitable and sustainable northern beef industry
• To have integrity in all that we do
• Commitment to the organisation and our industry
• Accountability to the organisation and our members
• Innovative in our contribution to the industry
• Respectful of each other, our cattle, our environment and our customers
The Executive Committee/Staff will deliver against this strategic plan, ensuring that the organisation will:
• Be managed in accordance with sound governance and financial management principles
• Use strategic foresight to identify issues and manage strategic and operational risks
• Proactively and effectively manage member and stakeholder communications and relationships
• Co-design and deliver projects with like-minded and strategically aligned partners.